Results for 'Ronald L. Ernest'

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  1.  35
    Relation of serial position errors to doublet and split-doublet location in verbal maze pattern.Ronald L. Ernest, Donald R. Hoffeld, Sidney Seidenstein & W. J. Brogden - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (2):94.
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    Food Ethics: The Basics.Ronald L. Sandler - 2014 - Routledge.
    Food Ethics: The Basics is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the ethical dimensions of the production and consumption of food. It offers an impartial exploration of the most prominent ethical questions relating to food and agriculture including: • Should we eat animals? • Are locally produced foods ethically superior to globally sourced foods? • Do people in affluent nations have a responsibility to help reduce global hunger? • Should we embrace bioengineered foods? • What should be the role of (...)
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    The Ethics of Species: An Introduction.Ronald L. Sandler - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    We are causing species to go extinct at extraordinary rates, altering existing species in unprecedented ways and creating entirely new species. More than ever before, we require an ethic of species to guide our interactions with them. In this book, Ronald L. Sandler examines the value of species and the ethical significance of species boundaries and discusses what these mean for species preservation in the light of global climate change, species engineering and human enhancement. He argues that species possess (...)
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  4. Externalism before language: The real reason why “thoughts ain't in the head”.Ronald L. Chrisley - unknown
    It is argued that standard arguments for the Externalism of mental states do not succeed in the case of pre-linguistic mental states. Further, it is noted that standard arguments for Internalism appeal to the principle that our individuation of mental states should be driven by what states are explanatory in our best cognitive science. This principle is used against the Internalist to reject the necessity of narrow individuation of mental states, even in the prelinguistic case. This is done by showing (...)
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    Mystical Languages of Unsaying.Ronald L. Nettler & Michael A. Sells - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):484.
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    Clarifying creationism: five common myths.Ronald L. Numbers - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (1):129-139.
  7. Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths about Science and Religion.Ronald L. Numbers - 2009 - Journal of the History of Biology 42 (4):823-824.
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    (1 other version)The creationists.Ronald L. Numbers - 1987 - Zygon 22 (2):133-164.
    As the crusade to outlaw the teaching of evolution changed to a battle for equal time for creationism, the ideological defenses of that doctrine also shifted from primarily biblical to more scientific grounds. This essay describes the historical development of “scientific creationism” from a variety of late–nineteenth– and early–twentieth–century creationist reactions to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, through the Scopes trial and the 1960s revival of creationism, to the current spread of strict creationism around the world.
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  9. Mohamed talbi's ideas on Islam and politics: A conception of Islam for the modern world.Ronald L. Nettler - 2000 - In Ronald L. Nettler, Mohamed Mahmoud & John Cooper (eds.), Islam and modernity: Muslim intellectuals respond. London: I. B. Tauris.
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  10. The Scientific Enterprise in America: Readings from Isis.Ronald L. Numbers, Charles E. Rosenberg & S. Hong - 1998 - Annals of Science 55 (3):323-324.
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    Rob R. Brady, 1941-2004.Ronald L. Hall - 2004 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 78 (2):137 - 138.
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  12. Edited volumes-the scientific enterprise in America.Ronald L. Numbers & Charles E. Rosenberg - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (3):382-384.
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  13. Non-conceptual Psychological Explanation: Content and Computation.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1996 - Dissertation, Oxford
    2.4 The Example: Infants and object-(im)permanence : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 2.4.1 Why a contentful account is warranted: Perspectival sensitivity : : : 17 2.4.2 The \searching under a cloth" and \AB" data : : : : : : : : : : : : 24 2.4.3 Two constraints on objectuality : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (...)
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  14. Biological inevitableness.Ronald L. Hancock - 2005 - Ludus Vitalis 13 (24):25-28.
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  15. Marx and Engels on Malthus.Ronald L. Meek & Dorothea L. Meek - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (4):365-367.
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    Creation by Natural Law: Laplace's Nebular Hypothesis in American Thought.Ronald L. Numbers - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (1):167-169.
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  17. Brainwashing and Responsible Action.Ronald L. Barnette - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):61.
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  18. Why everything doesn't realize every computation.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1994 - Minds and Machines 4 (4):403-420.
    Some have suggested that there is no fact to the matter as to whether or not a particular physical system relaizes a particular computational description. This suggestion has been taken to imply that computational states are not real, and cannot, for example, provide a foundation for the cognitive sciences. In particular, Putnam has argued that every ordinary open physical system realizes every abstract finite automaton, implying that the fact that a particular computational characterization applies to a physical system does not (...)
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    Connectionist hashed associative memory.Ronald L. Greene - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (1):87-98.
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    Marx's "Doctrine of Increasing Misery".Ronald L. Meek - 1962 - Science and Society 26 (4):422-441.
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    Civil Religion in Political Thought.Ronald L. Weed & John von Heyking (eds.) - 2010 - CUA Press.
    The essays in this volume blend historical and philosophical reflection with concern for contemporary political problems. They show that the causes and motivations of civil religion are a permanent fixture of the human condition, though some of its manifestations and proximate causes have shifted in an age of multiculturalism, religious toleration, and secularization.
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  22. Ritual Criticism: Case Studies in Its Practice, Essays on Its Theory.Ronald L. Grimes - 1990
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  23. Educating for Self-transcendence and the Pluralistic Identity.Ronald L. Zigler - 2004 - Philosophical Studies in Education 35:66 - 75.
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  24. Character and Environment: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics.Ronald L. Sandler (ed.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Virtue ethics is now widely recognized as an alternative to Kantian and consequentialist ethical theories. However, moral philosophers have been slow to bring virtue ethics to bear on topics in applied ethics. Moreover, environmental virtue ethics is an underdeveloped area of environmental ethics. Although environmental ethicists often employ virtue-oriented evaluation (such as respect, care, and love for nature) and appeal to role models (such as Henry Thoreau, Aldo Leopold, and Rachel Carson) for guidance, environmental ethics has not been well informed (...)
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  25. Non-compositional Representation in Connectionist Networks.Ronald L. Chrisley - unknown
    have context-sensitive constituents, but rather because they sometimes have no constituents at all. The argument to be rejected depends on the assumption that one can only assign propositional contents to representations if one starts by assigning sub-propositional contents to atomic representations. I give some philosophical arguments and present a counterexample to show that this assumption is mistaken.
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    The Falling Rate of Profit.Ronald L. Meek - 1960 - Science and Society 24 (1):36 - 52.
  27.  11
    A view from anywhere Prospects for an objective understanding.Ronald L. Chrisley - 2001 - In Paavo Pylkkänen & Tere Vadén (eds.), Dimensions of Conscious Experience. John Benjamins. pp. 37--3.
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  28. Connectionism, Cognitive Maps and the Development of Objectivity.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1993 - AI Review 7:329-354.
    It is claimed that there are pre-objective phenomena, which cognitive science should explain by employing the notion of non-conceptual representational content. It is argued that a match between parallel distributed processing (PDP) and non-conceptual content (NCC) not only provides a means of refuting recent criticisms of PDP as a cognitive architecture; it also provides a vehicle for NCC that is required by naturalism. A connectionist cognitive mapping algorithm is used as a case study to examine the affinities between PDP and (...)
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    "Anastasio Papa Guardo" (Inferno 11.8-9).Ronald L. Martinez - 2008 - Mediaevalia 29 (2):15-30.
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    Comedian, tragedian : Machiavelli and traditions of Renaissance theater.Ronald L. Martinez - 2010 - In John M. Najemy (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Machiavelli. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 206--22.
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    Alexander Hamilton: The Separation of Powers.Ronald L. Pratt - 1991 - Public Affairs Quarterly 5 (1):101-115.
  32. Book notices-disseminating darwinism: The role of place, race, religion, and gender.Ronald L. Numbers & John Steenhouse - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3-4):546.
  33.  42
    Word and Spirit: A Kierkegaardian Critique of the Modern Age.Ronald L. Hall - 1993 - Indiana University Press.
    By means of a Kierkegaardian critique of postmodernism, Ronald L. Hall argues that the postmodernist flirtation with Kierkegaard ignores the existential import of his thought. Word and Spirit offers a novel interpretation of Kierkegaard's conception of the self, according to which spirit is essentially linked to the speech act. In an extended interpretation of Kierkegaard's Either/Or, Hall uses insights from Austin, Wittgenstein, Polanyi, and Poteat to fill out and explicate Kierkegaard's views in the context of modern language philosophy. The (...)
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  34. European Review of Philosophy, Volume 1: Philosophy of Mind.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1994 - Stanford: CSLI Publications.
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    What might dynamical intentionality be, if not computation?Ronald L. Chrisley - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):634-635.
    (1) Van Gelder's concession that the dynamical hypothesis is not in opposition to computation in general does not agree well with his anticomputational stance. (2) There are problems with the claim that dynamic systems allow for nonrepresentational aspects of computation in a way in which digital computation cannot. (3) There are two senses of the “cognition is computation” claim and van Gelder argues against only one of them. (4) Dynamical systems as characterized in the target article share problems of universal (...)
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    On the distinction between individual deserving and distributive justice.Ronald L. Cohen - 1979 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 9 (2):167–185.
  37.  27
    Choice and stimuli that signal reward.Ronald L. Menlove & Fred A. Masterson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):112-114.
  38. Transparent Computationalism.Ronald L. Chrisley - unknown
    Summary. A distinction is made between two senses of the claim “cognition is computation”. One sense, the opaque reading, takes computation to be whatever is described by our current computational theory and claims that cognition is best understood in terms of that theory. The transparent reading, which has its primary allegiance to the phenomenon of computation, rather than to any particular theory of it, is the claim that the best account of cognition will be given by whatever theory turns out (...)
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  39. The Primacy Of The Explicit: On Keeping Romanticism At Bay.Ronald L. Hall - 1997 - Tradition and Discovery 24 (2):29-39.
    Polanyi’s claim that a wholly tacit knowledge is possible is contested. Polanyi’s praise for the tacit, and his critique of the ideal of total explicitness, harbors a threat of Romanticism, which, in turn, may become a threat to the value of the explicit itself, and ultimately a political threat, something that Heidegger’s anti-Enlightenment philosophy and political life manifested all too dramatically. Polanyians must not lose sight of the primacy of the explicit for personal existence, something that Polanyi’s work need not (...)
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    Critical and Postcritical Objectivity.Ronald L. Hall - 1993 - The Personalist Forum 9 (2):67-80.
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    Wittgenstein and Polanyi: the Problem of Privileged Self-Knowledge.Ronald L. Hall - 1979 - Philosophy Today 23 (3):267-278.
  42. Word and Spirit.Ronald L. Hall - 1994 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 36 (2):125-126.
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  43.  96
    Taking embodiment seriously: Nonconceptual content and robotics.Ronald L. Chrisley - 1994 - In Kenneth M. Ford, Clark N. Glymour & Patrick J. Hayes (eds.), Android Epistemology. MIT Press.
    The development and deployment of the notion of pre-objective or nonconceptual content for the purposes of intentional explanation of requires assistance from a practical and theoretical understanding of computational/robotic systems acting in real-time and real-space. In particular, the usual "that"-clause specification of content will not work for non-conceptual contents; some other means of specification is required, means that make use of the fact that contents are aspects of embodied and embedded systems. That is, the specification of non-conceptual content should use (...)
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    Gregor Mendel: Creationist Hero.Ronald L. Numbers - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (1-2):115-123.
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    Selected Works of George Mccready Price: A ten-Volume Anthology of Documents, 1903–1961.Ronald L. Numbers - 1995 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1995, The Selected Works of George McCready Price is the seventh volume in the series, Creationism in Twentieth Century America, reissued in 2019. The volume brings together the original writings and pamphlets of George McCready Price, a leading creationist of the early antievolution crusade of the 1920s. McCready Price labelled himself the 'principal scientific authority of the Fundamentalists' and as a self-taught scientist he enjoyed more scientific repute amongst fundamentalists of the time. This interesting and unique collection (...)
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    The Antievolution Works of Arthur I. Brown: A Ten-Volume Anthology of Documents, 1903–1961.Ronald L. Numbers - 1995 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1995, The Antievolution Works of Arthur I. Brown is the third volume in the series, Creationism in Twentieth Century America. The volume brings together original sources from the prominent surgeon and creationist Arthur I. Brown. Brown discredited evolution as it was contrary to the 'clear statements of scripture' which he believed infallible, stating evolution instead to be both a hoax and 'a weapon of Satan'. The works included focus on Brown's polemic through his early twentieth century writings. (...)
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    Broken Covenant: A Case Study in Employee Relations Ethics.Ronald L. Smith - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (1):105-114.
    Employee relations ethics, or the lack thereof, is a problem and an issue in both private and public organizations. This article is a case study in military ERE. A retired career Naval officer, I discuss problems of downsizing and retrenchment from a "military" perspective in terms of what I refer to as a "broken covenant.".
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  48. Value-judgments in economics.Ronald L. Meek - 1964 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 15 (58):89-96.
  49. Stacking mice.Ronald Jensen, Ernest Schimmerling, Ralf Schindler & John Steel - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1):315-335.
    We show that either of the following hypotheses imply that there is an inner model with a proper class of strong cardinals and a proper class of Woodin cardinals. 1) There is a countably closed cardinal k ≥ N₃ such that □k and □(k) fail. 2) There is a cardinal k such that k is weakly compact in the generic extension by Col(k, k⁺). Of special interest is 1) with k = N₃ since it follows from PFA by theorems of (...)
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    The Economics of Control Prefigured by Sir James Steuart.Ronald L. Meek - 1958 - Science and Society 22 (4):289 - 305.
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